• Starting from 2007, MQA’s accreditation is perpetual unless stated otherwise. All accredited qualifications are subject to periodic maintenance audit to ensure continuous improvement. If the accreditation of a qualification is revoked, the cessation date will be displayed in the Malaysian Qualifications Register. Qualifications previously accredited under National Accreditation Board of (Lembaga Akreditasi Negara, LAN) have a validity period of 5 years and this information is stated in the MQR for reference purposes.
• The verification of accreditation status of a programme will not be performed by MQA. This printed statement is sufficient for any related business.
BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing in collaboration with University of Wales, Newport, UK
Reference Number
Certificate Number
Name of
BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing in collaboration with University of Wales, Newport, UK
Date of Accreditation
22/05/2006 to 07/02/2011
Date of Revocation
Compliance Audit
Name of Institution
Twintech International University College of Technology, Sri Damansara Campus
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